Out-of-stock exchange settings enable you to decide which items, if any, to allow customers to exchange even when they're out of stock.
Set whether customers are allowed to exchange items that are currently out of stock, ensuring that you can uphold your inventory management strategies while also providing flexibility to customers who may want to exchange their purchased items.
How to Configure Out-of-Stock Exchange Settings
The options ReturnGO supports for handling out-of-stock exchanges are:
- Block all out-of-stock exchanges: Customers cannot exchange out-of-stock items. (Configure this in the settings of the relevant exchange resolutions)
- Allow all out-of-stock exchanges: Customers can exchange any item, regardless of stock availability. (Configure this in the settings of the relevant exchange resolutions)
- Only allow out-of-stock exchanges for items specified in your store: Customers can only exchange out-of-stock items that are specified in your store as such.
The out-of-stock exchanges for specified items feature is currently in beta and not yet available to all merchants. Apply to join the beta.
- For example, in Shopify stores, this would apply to items marked with "Continue selling when out of stock".
When is an Item Considered Out-of-Stock?
You can define what’s considered out-of-stock by setting a minimum stock threshold, which determines a minimum inventory level that is needed for an exchange. Variants with a remaining stock below your defined threshold will be considered out-of-stock for exchange purposes.
For example, if you set a threshold of 5, once a product has 5 or fewer units left, it will be considered out of stock for exchanges.