
Last Updated: August 15, 2024

Auto-approval is a policy rule setting that enables you to automatically approve return requests if the return request meets certain criteria that you can define. 

This is configurable per policy rule, so you can set up your return policy to have a mixture of policy rules set for manual or auto-approval, to handle different situations.

When auto-approval is successful, the RMA status will be automatically be updated, and return labels are automatically generated and are sent to the customer together with the approval of the return request. 

Auto-approval will fail if there is an issue with generating a return label. Consequently, the RMA will stay in the Pending Request status. 

Returnscore Instant Credits resolutions are always auto-approved:  

  • Ship it later 
  • Keep the item 
  • Donate the item 

Note: If at least one return policy configured for manual approval is selected by the customer when submitting the return request, the entire RMA will be subject to manual approval. 


  • Auto-approval is available in all subscription plans. 
  • This feature cannot be used in policy rules with a no shipment required return method.
  • The exception to auto-approval is if the resolution set in the policy rule is to keep the item or donate the item.

Configuring Auto-Approval

To enable auto-approval: 

  1. Go to Settings > Return Policy.
  2. Click EXPAND ALL to see all existing policy rules.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the right of a policy rule to configure it. 

          4. Go to the RMA Handling Process section.  
          5. Choose AUTOMATIC in the Approval Process setting.
          6. Click on the save icon to save your changes.  

Note: Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each policy rule you want to set to auto-approval.