ReturnGO integrates with Cin7 Omni to help you streamline your returns management. Cin7 is an ERP system designed to provide a real-time picture of everything that you do, across systems, channels, marketplaces, and regions.
The ReturnGO Cin7 Omni integration supports:
- Creating a Credit Note on Cin7 upon approval in ReturnGO.
- Updating the RMA in ReturnGO upon item validation in Cin7.
This integration is specifically for Cin7 Omni users.
To connect your Cin7 account to ReturnGO, you’ll need the following information:
- Cin7 API username
- Cin7 API key
Additionally, you’ll need to give ReturnGO the following permissions on Cin7:
- Branches - Create, Read, Update
- Sales Order - Create, Read, Update
- Payments - Create, Read, Update
- Credit Notes - Create, Read, Update
- Contacts - Create, Read
- Product Categories - Read
- Products - Read
- Product Options - Read
- Stock - Read
Linking Your Cin7 Account to ReturnGO
To link your Cin7 account to ReturnGO:
- Go to Integration > Products & Services.
- Choose Cin7 from the drop-down list.
- Click on the check mark.
5. Enter your credentials.
6. Click CONNECT.
Setting Integration Updates per Return Method
Configure your return methods to update Cin7 for each return method, so that the ERP will be notified about returns.
Note: This setting can be configured for all return method types except No shipment required.
To configure your Cin7 integration per return method:
- Go to Settings > Return Methods.
- Select the return method you want to configure.
- Open the Return Address and Restocking Location section.
- Set whether to update Cin7 for this return method.
- The default is Do not update.
- If you have multiple connections, choose which one you want to update for returns that use this return method.
- Click on the save icon to save your changes.
Configuring Field Mapping for Credit Notes
You can upload a JSON config file to map the required fields for creating a Credit Note on Cin7. This enables you to configure the specific data you want ReturnGO to transmit when creating a Credit Note.
ReturnGO will use the provided mapping to automatically populate the relevant fields on the Credit Note.
Note: This is particularly useful for more advanced stores that have a developer and need to customize the information sent to Cin7.
The functions supported are:
- 'first_name'
- 'last_name'
- 'full_name'
- 'rma_id' =>
- 'order_name'
- 'order_number'
- 'carrier_location_name'
- 'store_name'
- 'store_url'
- 'customer_support_url'
- 'cancel_reason'
- 'reject_reason'
- 'rma_status'
- 'payment_currency_code'
- 'credits'
- 'expire'
- 'refund_provider'
- 'shipping_date'
- 'expected_delivery_date'
- 'tracking_number'
Reference Number (Optional)
You can customize the reference number generated on your Cin7 account by setting the prefix and content.
The prefix is optional, and you can provide any string you want to be a prefix. To remove the prefix, simply do not add "prefix":RG" to the JSON config.
The content can contain one of the following values:
- orderName
- orderId
- rmaId
- default
If content is not provided, or default is chosen, the reference will be built as follows:
`RMA 41515515/ORDER:ORE-1254151`
By setting the prefix and content you can configure the reference.
Sales Reference (Optional)
salesReference - This is exactly the same as the reference field, the only difference is that reference applies to credit note references, while salesReference applies to credit note sales references.
Logistics Status (Optional)
logisticsStatus - Add this to include the status number from Cin7 (e.g. "logisticsStatus": 1).
Accounting Import Status (Optional)
Setting the accountingImportStatus enables you to configure whether and how to set the Accounting Status on Cin7.
Available values:
If not provided, ReturnGO won't send any accountingImportStatus to Cin7.
TransformFunc (optional)
You can use transformFunc to update the option3 value in the API payload sent to Cin7 from positive to negative.
Available values:
- toKeep (default)
- toNegative
Example Config File
"alternativeAccountCode":" Sales",
"freightDescription":"Return Shipping",
"itemOptions": {
"option3": {
Uploading the Config File
To upload the config file:
- Go to Settings > Integrations > Products & Services.
- Open the Cin7 integration box
- In the Create RMA Config in JSON Format field, paste the contents of the config file.
- Click on the save icon to confirm.
How it Works
Create Credit Notes on Cin7
When an RMA is approved in ReturnGO, a Credit Note is automatically created in Cin7.
Item Validation Updates
ReturnGO gets updates on item validation status from Cin7 using a polling mechanism, which regularly checks item status.
Information about the item validation is added to the relevant RMA in ReturnGO.
Troubleshooting the Integration
Many of the issues encountered related to integration can be identified during setup.
Here are a few things you can check to try and fix such issues:
Setup Issues
Make sure your API credentials are accurate.
- There should be no extra spaces before or after each API entry.
- Make sure you are using live or production API credentials, and not dev or test APIs.
- Try to re-generate a new API key and reconnect.
Cin7-Related Issues
For Cin7 Omni related issues, please contact Cin7 support.
For any other issues, feel free to contact ReturnGO support through chat or email.