Internally Creating RMAs

Last Updated: July 10, 2024

ReturnGO enables you to create RMAs directly from the dashboard. This gives you full control to handle exceptions, overrides, and special cases outside of the normal customer-initiated return process, as well as the ability to quickly create multiple RMAs.


This feature is currently in beta. Apply to join the beta here.

When to Use This Feature

Creating RMAs from the dashboard is useful when you need to issue a refund outside of your normal return policy rules, or when you need to create multiple RMAs on behalf of your customers. 

Some common use cases include:

  • A return after the standard return window
  • Issuing a specific type of refund for normally ineligible items
  • Processing a return in-store 
  • Handling an exception case by customer support
  • Returning an order that doesn't have customer information

This can be especially useful for customer support teams, return managers, and in-store staff.

You can also set defaults for internally-created RMAs to speed up the process.


  • Only refunds are currently supported; exchanges, refunds to bank accounts, and order cancellations can not currently be created through the dashboard.
  • Only items that have been fulfilled can be added to an RMA.
  • Like in the portal, you cannot combine multiple return methods or multiple refund methods within the same RMA.
  • Like in the portal, there is no support for custom items (they will be marked as ineligible).
  • There is currently no support for creating BxGy (Buy X Get Y) returns through the dashboard. (coming soon)
  • You can choose to limit internally created RMAs by policy eligibility, or create RMAs in an unlimited manner unrestricted by policy rules.

How to Create an RMA From the Dashboard

  1. On your ReturnGO dashboard, go to the Manage Returns page.
  2. Click CREATE RMA.

3. Search for the order by order number.

4. At the top of the page, you can see all the order details and customer information. (You can, however, manually create returns for orders that don't have customer information)
5. Select an item you want to add to the RMA by clicking on the plus (+) symbol. 

Tip: You can only add fulfilled items to an RMA.

6. Select the return reason, return method, and resolution. If using Enforced Policy Eligibility mode, select the return policy.

7. Add a restocking fee if relevant, and add any adjustments to manually give a reduced refund or add a bonus to the refund.

a. Separate return label fees and return fees are not currently supported. (coming soon)

8. Click ADD to add the item to the RMA.

9. Under the Return Details section, you can see all the items that you added to the RMA, and you can edit or remove them from the RMA by clicking on the pencil and trash icons. 

10. Under the Automations section, set your automations for this RMA.

          a. It’s recommended to set default automations so that you don’t forget to set an automation that you usually use, such as auto-refund. 

11. Review the RMA summary showing the total refund amount, including any fees and adjustments.
12. Optional: Add an internal note that will appear on the RMA.
13. Choose whether to send automated customer emails.

a. If you enable Send Customer Emails, it will send emails as normal, as set in your email settings.

b. If you’re refunding the customer on the spot, you might not want to send the customer all the return emails. You can also always send specific emails later through the RMA card if you want to send a notification during a manual process.

14. Submit the RMA as pending or as approved.

 15. The RMA will be created and you will be redirected to the relevant RMA, which will include an internal note identifying that it was manually from the dashboard.

a. The internal notes of the RMA will also show which user created the RMA, and, if done by a physical store user, from which store location. 

When an RMA is created manually in unlimited mode using a unique combination of resolution, return method, and return reason, its policy rule will appear as Custom Policy Rule.

Setting Default RMA Settings

Set the RMA defaults for internally-created RMAs to speed up the process. This is helpful especially if you always use the same policy, for instance, if you mostly create RMAs in-store, the return method will always be Drop off at a store location

Note: You can choose which fields to set defaults for and which to leave with no default.

It is recommended to set automation defaults if you want to use automations for manually created RMAs or if you are accustomed to using a particular automation.

To set RMA defaults for manually created RMAs:

  1. Go to Settings > Store Settings.
  2. Open the Internal RMA Creation section.
  3. Set the item request defaults, including a default return reason, resolution, and return method, as well as fees and adjustments that will be the default for every item added to an RMA.

4. Set your automation defaults for internally-created RMAs. 
5. Click on the save icon. 


This feature is currently in beta. Apply to join the beta here.

There are two permission modes for internally created RMAs:

1. Unlimited - Not restricted by policy rules. While this gives you full control, it can also be risky if not handled responsibly, so it is recommended to ensure employees receive proper training and clear instructions before creating RMAs through the dashboard in this mode. 

2. Enforced Policy Eligibility - Limited based on policy rules. The system checks the order for eligibility, and when creating an RMA through the dashboard you can choose from a list of eligible rules, which determine the return method, resolution, automations, fees, and more.

To configure permissions per user:

1. Click on your email address in the top right of the ReturnGO dashboard.

2. Go to Store Account.

3. Click on the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit.

4. In the User Permissions section, select the RMA Creation Permissions setting to be applied for this user:

  • No Access - The user will not see the "Create RMA" button option in the dashboard at all.
  • Configurable - The user will be able to select for themselves whether to create RMAs in Unlimited mode or in Enforced Policy Eligibility mode.
  • Enforced Policy Eligibility - The user will only be able to create RMAs in Enforced Policy Eligibility mode. 

5. Click on the save icon to save your changes.

Users who have permission to configure for themselves which mode to use will be able to change modes at the top of the page when creating an RMA.