Account Settings

Last Updated: December 2, 2024

You can manage different aspects of your ReturnGO account through the account menu such as

  • Log out of your ReturnGO account. 

Changing Your ReturnGO Password

    To change your ReturnGO password:

    1. Click on your email address in the top right corner of the dashboard.

    2. Click STORE ACCOUNT.

    3. Click on the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit.

    edit user steps-png

    4. Under the Password section, click on the CHANGE button.

    change password-png

    5. Input the new password.

    6. Click SAVE.

    change password steps-png

    Accepting New Subscription Plans

    When a new plan is assigned to your account, you will need to approve the updated billing.

    To accept a new plan, click on the button in the top bar of your dashboard. This will redirect you to your store admin to approve the new billing.


    You can view and select subscription plans on the Subscription Plans page.

    Viewing Billing History

    On the Billing History page, you can view all invoices issued for your ReturnGO account, along with some basic information about your plan, usage, and cost.

    Updating Your Account Logo

    Add your logo to the top of your ReturnGO dashboard for a branded returns management experience.

    To configure your logo on the ReturnGO dashboard:

    1. Go to Settings > Emails > Look and Feel.
    2. Click UPLOAD IMAGE and select your logo from your device.
    3. Click the save icon to save your changes.

    Note: This is the logo that is used both in emails to customers and in your ReturnGO account.