Managing Return Requests (New Version)

Last Updated: February 20, 2025

ReturnGO's Manage Returns page enables you to efficiently handle return and exchange requests, either manually or through automated processes. 

As of November 4th 2024, this is the default Manage Returns page for all ReturnGO users.

Click here to revert back to the old version of the Manage Returns page. 

This article is about the newly redesigned version of the Manage Returns page. Click here for information about the old version of the Manage Returns page.

How Do I Manage Return Requests?

To manage your return requests, go to the Manage Returns page. From here, you can view return requests as well as perform various actions to process the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization).

The Manage Returns page is your central hub for handling all aspects of the return process. On the Manage Returns page, you can:

  • Search for and view RMAs
  • Approve RMAs
  • Reject RMAs
  • Cancel RMAs
  • Reopen RMAs
  • Mark RMAs as Shipment Received
  • Mark RMAs as Done
  • Validate items
  • Restock items
  • Issue a refund or credit
  • Add notes to RMAs
  • Resend status emails
  • Download returns data reports

This will all be covered below.

Search for an RMA 

Quickly find any RMA using the search bar:

  1. Go to Manage Returns
  2. Enter the RMA number, order number, or customer ID in the search box. 
  3. Optional: If you only have part of the RMA or order number, toggle off Exact match.
  4. Click the search button. 
  5. Click on any element of the results to view more details:
    1. RMA number or status: View the full RMA details.
    2. Order number: Open the order details directly in your eCommerce platform.
    3. Customer name: Open the customer's details in your eCommerce platform.

Sorting and Filtering Returns in Manage Returns Page

The Manage Returns page offers various sorting and filtering options to help you efficiently manage your returns:

Filter by Date

The date displayed on the RMA list can represent:

  • The date the RMA was created
  • The date the shipment was delivered
  • The date the shipment started transit

To configure which date is shown on the RMA list: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click SETTINGS

3. Select the date type to display in the Date column. 

  • RMA created
  • Shipment delivered
  • Shipment in-transit

4. Click SAVE

To sort the RMAs from the latest to the earliest or vice versa, click on the Date column header.

To filter RMAs by specific dates: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns
  2. Click FILTERS.

3. Click the Select Date drop-down to populate the calendar. 

4. Select the date for the earliest RMA (FROM date). 
5. Select the date for the latest RMA (TO date). 
6. (Click CLEAR to reset the dates.)

7. Click APPLY to apply the dates filter. 

Filter by Resolution

To filter the RMAs according to their resolution: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click FILTERS.

3. Select the RMA resolution you want to view. The options are based on the return resolutions set in your ReturnGO account.

4. Click APPLY

Filter by Return Reason

To filter RMAs according to their return reason:

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click FILTERS.

3. Select the return reason(s) you want to view. The options are based on the return reasons set in your ReturnGO account.
4. Click APPLY

Filter by Validated Items

Filter RMAs based on whether or not the returned items have been validated. This filter is only relevant if you have the item validation feature enabled.

To filter the RMAs based on item validation: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click FILTERS.

3. Use the Validated drop-down menu to select the desired validation status.

4. Click APPLY. 

Filter by Status

Filter RMAs based on their current processing status.

  • Open RMAs: All RMAs other than those marked as done, canceled, or rejected.
  • Pending requests: RMAs awaiting approval.
  • Approved requests: RMAs that have been approved.
  • In transit: RMAs with shipments that are in transit.
  • Shipment received: RMAs that have been received at your warehouse or store.
  • Done: RMAs that have been marked as done.
  • Rejected requests: RMAs that have been rejected.
  • Canceled requests: RMAs that have been canceled.
  • Shipment rejected: RMAs for which the shipment has been rejected.
  • Require attention: RMAs that require your attention (e.g., due to system errors).
  • Expiring/Expired Payments: RMAs that have expiring/expired payments.

To filter RMAs based on their current processing status: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click on the desired status to display only RMAs in that status.

Tip: When selecting more than one filter, only RMAs that meet all selected criteria will be shown.

View RMA Details

To view an RMA, click on the relevant RMA from the list.

When opening an RMA, you can see the following details: 

The RMA page gives you a comprehensive view of each return request:

  • Back button: Click the arrow to return to the main Manage Returns page.
  • Previous/next buttons: Navigate to the previous or next RMA in the list.
  • RMA summary: Displays the RMA number, date and time the return was requested, and the current status of the RMA.
  • Order summary: Shows the associated order number (clickable to view order details in your eCommerce store), order status, and fulfillment date.
  • Customer info: View the customer's name, any other open RMAs they have, their store credit balance, transaction history, and shipping address.
  • Items: A list of all items in the return request. Click on an item to view detailed information. Use the checkboxes to select specific items for actions like refunding or restocking.
  • Shipments: Expand this section to see tracking details and status updates for the return shipment.
  • Draft orders and pending payments: View any draft orders, invoices, and pending payments for exchanges related to this RMA.
  • Timeline: A chronological log of all activity related to the RMA, including automated actions and manual updates. You can also add your own notes directly to the timeline.
  • Action buttons bar: The bottom bar contains buttons for taking actions on the RMA, such as approving, rejecting, marking as received, and more. The available actions will vary depending on the current status of the RMA.

Item Status Icons

Several status icons may appear on the right side of each item in the RMA. Each icon represents an action taken on the item. Blue icons represent positive actions (i.e restocked) while red actions mean negative actions (i.e not returned).

  • In transit: The item has been shipped by the return carrier.

  • Returned: This icon appears after you validate the item. It will show as Yes if you validated that the item was returned and No if you marked it as not returned. 

  • Restockable: This icon appears after you validate that the returned item is restockable. It will show as Yes if you mark the item as restockable and No if you mark it as non-restockable.

  • Restocked: This icon appears once you click the RESTOCK button, and means that this item has been restocked to your store’s inventory.

  • Refunded: This icon appears when an item is marked as refunded by any refund option other than store credit. When you hover over the icon, it will display the payment method and refund amount. 

  • Credited: This icon appears when an item has been credited. When you hover over the icon, it will display the credit method and the amount credited.

Item Details Window

When clicking a specific returned item in an RMA, and side panel opens with further details about the item and the request.

The following details can be found: 

  • Previous/next buttons - Click the arrows to go to the previous or next item in the RMA. 
  • Close button - Click the X button to close the item details window. 
  • Item description - The returned item’s name, variant, the amount paid for the item, and validation status. 
  • Details - This section shows the return reason, policy rule, return method, and resolution selected for the item. For exchanges, the new item’s details are displayed here as well.
  • Item validation - The section where you validate the item or edit its validation. 

Approve a Return

When receiving a return request, you can review its details and decide whether to approve it. 

What Happens When I Approve a Return Request? 

Approving a return request will trigger the following actions: 

  • The RMA status changes from Pending Request to Approved Request.  
  • You can see return request updates in the order’s notes and timeline. 
  • If the customer selects the ship with pre-label return method, a request for a return label or QR code will be sent to your integrated shipping provider. This will automatically add a PRINT LABEL or QR CODE button to the confirmation email. 
  • If the customer uses any return method other than no shipment required, the APPROVE RETURN button will change to SHIPMENT RECEIVED. 
  • In the case of a no shipment required return method, the APPROVE RETURN button will change to MARK AS DONE. 
  • If the customer requests an exchange for at least one item in their return request, a new action button, RELEASE EXCHANGE, will then be available on the RMA page. 
    • For Shopify merchants, ReturnGO will automatically create a draft order in your Shopify store.
    • For other platforms, ReturnGO will automatically create a new order in your eCommerce store.

How to Approve a Return Request

To approve a return request: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click Pending requests, or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to approve. 

4. Click APPROVE in the bottom button bar. 

5. Check the box to send an email notification to the customer about the approval. Otherwise, skip to Step 9. 
6. Enter additional details in the field provided to be sent with the email notification. 
7. Click UPLOAD FILE to upload a file to be sent with the email notification. 
8. Click the drop-down of the Return Method setting to change the return method if necessarily.

9. Click APPROVE

Reject a Return 

When you receive a return request, you can choose to reject it. 

If a return request is ineligible, you can reject it manually. As long as the RMA is not marked Done, you can reject requests at any point during the return process. 

Note that if there is at least one item that you want to reject, you will need to reject the entire RMA. You can then either ask the customer to resubmit the return request or you can resubmit the return request on their behalf. 

What Happens When I Reject a Return Request? 

Rejecting a return request will trigger the following: 

  • The RMA status changes to Request Rejected and the return request flow is ended.  
  • You can see RMA updates in the order's notes and timeline. 
  • The APPROVE REQUEST and the REJECT buttons will disappear.
  • The REFUND/CREDIT, RESTOCK, and RESEND STATUS EMAIL buttons will still be available in the dashboard. 

How to Reject a Return Request

To reject a return request: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click the Open RMAs filter, or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to reject. 

4. Click on the vertical ellipsis.


6. Enter a reason for rejecting the return.

7. Tick the box to send an email notification to the customer. Otherwise, skip to Step 10.

8. Enter additional details in the field provided to be sent with the email notification.

9. Click UPLOAD FILE to upload a file to be sent with the email notification.

10. Click REJECT.

Cancel a Return

You can cancel return requests anytime during the return process, except when the RMA has the following status: 

  • Request canceled
  • Request rejected
  • Done

What Happens When Canceling a Return Request?

Canceling a return request will trigger the following: 

  • The RMA status changes to Request Canceled and the return flow is ended.
  • You can reopen the return request after the cancellation. 
  • You can see RMA updates in the order's notes and timeline. 
  • The APPROVE REQUEST and the REJECT buttons will disappear.
  • The REFUND/CREDIT, RESTOCK, and RESEND STATUS EMAIL buttons will still be available in the dashboard. 

How to Cancel a Return Request

To cancel a return request: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click the Open RMAs filter, or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to cancel. 

4. Click on the vertical ellipsis.


6. Enter a reason for canceling the return.

7. Tick the box to send an email notification to the customer. Otherwise, skip to step 10.

8. Enter additional details in the field provided to be sent with the email notification.

9. Click UPLOAD FILE to upload a file to be sent with the email notification.

10. Click CANCEL.

Reopen a Canceled Return Request

You can reopen a canceled return request and resume the return process. 

To reopen a return request: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click on the Canceled Requests filter or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to reopen.

4. Click on the vertical ellipsis.


6. Tick the box to send an email notification to the customer. Otherwise, skip to step 9.

7. Enter additional details to be sent with the email notification in the field provided.

8. Click UPLOAD FILE to upload a file to be sent with the email notification.

9. Click REOPEN.

Mark RMA as Shipment Received

You can mark approved RMAs as Shipment Received once you have received the shipment of the returned item from the customer. 

To mark an RMA as Shipment Received:

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click on the Approved Requests filter or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to mark as received. 

4. Select the items that have been received.


6. Check the box to send an email notification to the customer. Otherwise, skip to Step 9.

7. Enter additional details to be sent with the email notification in the field provided.

8. Click UPLOAD FILE to upload a file to be sent with the email notification.


Mark RMA as Done

You can auto-mark an RMA as done or do it manually on RMAs with Shipment Received status or Approved status in cases with no shipment required. RMAs with Done status cannot be reopened. 

To manually mark an RMA as Done

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Click on the Shipment Received filter or Approved filter or enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to mark as Done


5. In the confirmation pop-up window, click MARK AS DONE

Validate Returned Items

You can validate the items of the RMAs with Shipment Received and Done status to confirm that items have been returned and to document the condition of the returned items. 

To validate items: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. In the search box, enter the RMA or order number you want to validate, or filter the RMAs whose items are not validated using the FILTERS button. 
  3. Click on the RMA whose items you want to validate.

4. Click on the item you want to validate. 

5. Click on the plus next to Item Validation.

6. Toggle the switch if the item was returned.

7. Toggle the switch if the item can be restocked.

8. Untoggle the respective switches if the item was not returned or cannot be restocked. 
9. Add a reason why the item cannot be considered returned or cannot be restocked. 

10. Upload up to 9MB of images to give further information on the condition of the returned item.

11. Click SAVE.

Tip: For RMAs with multiple items, you use the navigation arrows on the upper-left side of the panel to switch between items and validate them one at a time, or use the Validate All button to validate them all at once.

Validate All

To validate all items in an RMA at once:

1. Go to Manage Returns.
2. In the search box, enter the RMA or order number you want to validate, or filter the RMAs whose items are not validated using the FILTERS button.
3. Click on the RMA whose items you want to validate.

New To restock an items in an RMA

4. Click on VALIDATE ALL.

5. Confirm that you want to mark all items in the RMA as returned and restockable.

To remove the Validate All button:

1. Go to Settings > Store Settings.

2. Open the Item Validation section.

3. Disable the Validate All Items toggle.

4. Click on the save icon to save your changes.

Restock a Returned Item

To restock an item/s in an RMA: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to restock.

4. Select the items you want to restock. 

5. Click RESTOCK

6. Select the location to which to restock the items. 

7. Click RESTOCK.

Issue a Refund or Credit

To issue a refund or credit: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to refund.

4. Check the order summary section to verify that the return request hasn’t been credited or refunded yet.

Note: The REFUND button will only be clickable when there is a refund available. Otherwise, it is greyed out. 

5. Select the items you want to refund.

6. Click REFUND/CREDIT to launch the Refund Calculator

7. Check the corresponding boxes of the fees you want to add to the Suggested Refund amount.

8. Click APPLY to apply the suggested refund amount.

9. Select the refund method: 

  • Refund to Original Payment Method - Select this to refund the amount back to the original payment method used during the purchase. 
  • Store Credit - Select this option to refund the amount as store credit. 
  • New Gift Card - Select this to refund the amount as a new gift card.

10. Edit the refund amount if necessary.

11. Toggle Restock to restock the selected items at the same time as the refund.

12. Select the location to which to restock the item.

13. Toggle Send Platform Email Notifications to trigger the eCommerce platform to send an email notification to the customer about the refund as well.

14. Click REFUND

Add a Note to an RMA

Notes are added automatically for every action made in an RMA. 

You can also manually add notes in the Timeline section. Manually added notes can be identified by the notepad icon beside it. 

To add notes manually: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to open.

4. Click the plus sign in the Timeline section to add a note.

5. Enter the note in the provided field. 

6. Click the checkmark to save. 

Resend the Status Email of an RMA 

To resend an email notification status to the customer: 

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Enter the RMA or order number in the search box.
  3. Click on the RMA you want to open.

4. Click on the vertical ellipsis.


6. Select the email notification status to resend. 

7. Click RESEND

Download a Returns Data Report

To download a report of your RMAs:

  1. Go to Manage Returns.
  2. Filter the RMAs to show the RMAs you want a report on, and click REPORT.

3. Choose where to save the sheet on your device.

4. Rename the sheet if necessary. 

5. Click SAVE

Note: The steps for saving the report on your device will depend on the exact browser and device you are using. 

Once you’ve downloaded a report, you can download the report again or generate a new one with different filters.