These FAQs cover how ReturnGO simplifies the exchange process for both you and your customers, including automating exchanges and handling any price differences.
Does ReturnGO offer exchanges?
Yes, using ReturnGO you can offer both variant exchanges (exchanges of a product for another variant of that product such as size, color, etc), and product exchanges (exchanges of a product for another product altogether). Read more about exchanges here.
How does ReturnGO process an exchange?
When you approve an exchange request, ReturnGO automatically creates a draft order in your store. As soon as you release the exchange, the draft order becomes a real order, which you can fulfill as normal.
Can a customer exchange for a different product?
Yes, you can set up product exchanges so that customers can exchange one product for another product.
What happens if there is a price difference between products?
If there is a negative price difference between the returned product and the new product that the customer is exchanging it for, an invoice will be sent to the customer with the difference for payment.
If there is a positive price difference, the difference will be refunded to the customer.
How does a customer pay for a shipping label for an exchange?
The customer will receive an invoice for the shipping label by email.
Can I limit the types of items that are eligible for exchange?
Yes, you can limit which items are eligible for exchange by setting return eligibility rules defining which items can be returned and exchanged, and under what circumstances.
Can I reserve inventory for an exchange?
Yes, you can reserve items for exchanges in order to prevent out-of-stock situations during the exchange process.
What happens if a customer wants to return an exchange?
In your return policy, you can define how many times a customer can return and exchange an item.
Can I automate the exchange process?
Yes, you can automate the exchange process to the extent you want, using automation rules. You can set up conditions and triggers to release exchanges automatically when certain conditions are met.
Can I limit exchanges to certain collections?
Yes, you can define which items are eligible for exchange by setting return eligibility rules defining which items can be exchanged under what circumstances. Limitations can be set based on tag-based conditions, enabling you to define exchange policies for specific collections.
How are price differences in exchanges paid?
In the case of an exchange where the new item is more expensive than the original item, you can use Portal Checkout to have the customer pay the price difference in the portal.
If you are on Shopify, you can instead send Shopify emails with the price difference invoice.
Is it possible to add return label fees for exchanges?
Yes, you can set up return label fees for any kind of return or exchange based on either a percentage or a fixed amount.
When processing an exchange, can I charge for a pre-paid return shipping label and for shipping the new product?
Yes, you can set up pre-paid return shipping labels, return fees, and shipping fees in any configuration you prefer.
How can I make sure customers only see exchange items available in their country?
You can enable location-based exchanges, allowing customers to see only items available in warehouses in their country when performing an in-portal exchange.
This may be relevant if you have multiple warehouses in different countries for the same market and do not offer international shipping.